About us > FAQ
Are your hearing aids free?
No. Although we do receive donated hearing aids from the community, we do not offer free hearing aids. The hearing aids we receive through donations are refurbished and these costs are rolled into the price of the hearing devices. If we do not have the appropriate hearing aids for a patient in stock through this program, we may have to purchase them from manufactures.
I don’t qualify for most social programs, yet I cannot afford hearing aids. Would I qualify for your program?
It’s possible! Our qualifying guidelines may be different than other social programs. We take into consideration annual income and liquid assets like savings, stocks, and bonds but understand each financial situation is unique. We also consider extenuating circumstances such as outstanding medical bills when determining eligibility. Please contact our office for more information on your case.
What are the Assistance Income Guidelines and how do I know if I qualify?
The table below shows the guidelines we use to determine qualifying annual income by the number of people in your household. All income earned in the family is counted towards your annual income.
Assistance Income Guidelines
Why do I need to complete volunteer service hours to receive hearing aids if I am paying a sliding scale fee?
As a nonprofit serving low-income individuals, we have limited resources. We rely on donations, grants, volunteers, and other sources of income to be sustainable. Our volunteer service program allows us to thank our community for supporting our organization and making it possible to offer the reduced fees on the sliding scale fee basis. If you physically cannot do your volunteer service, our provisions allow for a loved one, friend, or other person to complete your hours on your behalf.
My mother passed away and was a hearing aid user. Is there anything that can be done with her hearing aids?
Yes! We have two donation sites, and the hearing aids we receive there will definitely help in providing the Gift Of Hearing to someone else in our community. Some hearing aids can be refurbished and will be able to go right onto someone else. Others can be turned in to hearing aid manufacturers for credit towards the purchase of a new aid. Donated hearing aids can be accepted in any working or non-working condition, and from any manufacturer.​ See our donate page for more details.
What is the difference between Pacific Hearing Service and Pacific Hearing Connection?
Pacific Hearing Service is a for-profit, audiology private practice. Pacific Hearing Connection is a non-profit organization started to provide hearing healthcare to those in the community who are under-insured or under-served. Pacific Hearing Service donates office space to Pacific Hearing Connection but the two have been set up and have always been run as two completely separate entities. Drs. Baxter and Clark donate their time and services for Pacific Hearing Connection.
Is the care different since this is a non-profit organization?
No, the care, expertise, and technology offered through Pacific Hearing Connection is state-of-the-art. We work with you to provide the best possible outcome for hearing your best.
I can’t get to the office; can I get help with transportation?
Just let us know if you need help and we will provide a ride-share or other form of transportation.
My father doesn’t speak English. Do you provide translation services?
Yes, with notice we can provide translation services for your visit.
Do I have to live in a certain city to get help from PHC?
No, most of our patients live in the Bay Area but we make occasional exceptions. If we cannot help you because of distance, we will do our best to connect you with someone closer to your home.
How can I help spread the word about your services?
We’re glad you asked! We have brochures you can hand out and are available to speak to any interested groups. We also provide screening events and are keen to reach out to churches, senior centers, schools, and other organizations. Give us a call or send an email to admin@PacificHearingConnection.org if you have any ideas for outreach.
Do you have more questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us!